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Event Beyond COP26: Strengthening a transatlantic green alliance
24/11/2021 @ 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Op 24 November zal het Event Beyond COP26: Strengthening a Transatlantic green alliance in Den Haag plaatsvinden, met zeer interessante sprekers waaronder de Amerikaanse ambassade en de Tweede Kamer! Als onderdeel van de organisatie is ismus, en zijn jullie, alle ismi, hier ook voor uitgenodigd! Wees erbij, het belooft een ontzettend interessant en tof event te worden! Hieronder is alle verdere informatie over het evenement te vinden.
The UK is currently hosting the COP26, a summit that many believe to be the world’s best last chance to get runaway climate change under control. The summit brings parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. To reach the climate goals there is a need for partnerships, vision and action.
The COP26 is a good opportunity to take a look at what is happening in the transatlantic context in the field of sustainability. How can the United States and the Netherlands cooperate in a way that magnifies their collective impact? And what can they contribute to strengthening a Transatlantic green alliance for the future?
During this event, the floor will be given to Alex Mayer (U.S. Department of State), Adrian de Groot Ruiz (Impact Institute / True Price Foundation), Henri Bontenbal (MP CDA) and Rein Willems (Commissie Toekomst), led by host Gilberto Morishaw (Global Shapers).
By bringing students, changemakers, professionals and policymakers together we can take this conversation to a new level!
Organised by Krijger & Partners in cooperation with U.S. Embassy, Global Shapers, ISMUS and Argus.
Be there!